Business Life Mom Life Mommy Words

How to set-up a family budget

Creating a family budget could feel like your exploring the Wild Wild West.  Before we started budgeting, there was always more month left over than money.  Once we got it together, we felt in control of our earnings and made our money work for us, rather than the other way around. Find out the steps we took to get our money under control below & how you can too! STEP ONE: FIND YOUR METHOD In the world of technology, there…

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Mom Life

Grocery hacks featuring Vons Grocery Delivery

This post has been sponsored by Vons. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Life is already a rollercoaster but with the holidays around the corner, it is a little bit more chaotic. Check out my favorite grocery hacks (featuring Vons online grocery services) for keeping sane during the season of craziness. START WITH A GROCERY BUDGET It took me a long time to realize the importance of setting a budget. I used to shop blindly and be surprised at…

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Mom Life

2 year old wish list to Santa

1  /  2  /  3  /  4   Our 2 year old really wanted a bike and the dinosaur this year.  We waited until they were both on sale and snagged them up!  We later found the balance bike and thought it would be best for him.  We’re still debating giving him the Spiderman bike too. YOLO lol    This post contains affiliate links …

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Gift Guide

Gift Guide: Top Gifts for a 6 Year Old Boy

Every year when we get those Toy Catalog, my little’s get excited.  We let each of them pick their top 5 toys to ask Santa for.  Santa will bring them one toy (usually the smallest of the bunch) and the parentals will bring them another.  It has worked well so far. LOL  These are my 6-year-old top toys of 2018!  1  //  2  //  3  //  4  //  5   this post contains affiliate links…

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Mom Life

Top 5 Disneyland Tips when going with small kids

We recently renewed our passes after a year off and boy did we miss it!  The boys are having a blast, us parents are enjoying the food and we’re all enjoying the family time together! Do you have a trip to Disney soon? Use these tips to maximize your time at the most magical place! DISNEYLAND TIP #1: BRING YOUR OWN SNACKS Let me tell you, the food is delicious at Disneyland, but it can get pricey.  Bring the snack…

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