Mom Life

Lies I tell my toddler

As a parent, you need a little bit of white lies on your side. These can be used for a little extra sleep or a scare tactic to get them on their best behavior.  Use them before they wise up. Happy Parenting! 1. “I will turn this car around!”      Everyone knows I will NOT turn this car around.  I secretly hope you don’t yell at me one day to ‘DO IT!’   2. “Disneyland is closed since all the…

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Mom Life

Fit Mom Fail

Food, diet and pregnancy #Fail I had big plans for this pregnancy.  I was going to be the super fit mom who worked out every day.  I was going to stay slim and not give into cravings.  I wanted to maintain sleek arms and fit into my clothing right up until my due date.  I wanted to inspire others and let them know that YOU CAN DO IT ALL. 26 weeks later.. I still haven’t started that goal.  Failure? Nah. …

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Mom Life

Letter to my second child…

To my Dearest Second Child, I’m sorry I didn’t keep up to date on the latest baby apps or click ‘share’ on your ‘fruit growth’ each week.  I am sorry I didn’t browse the mama boards daily and research every ache and pain.  I am sorry that you will have lots of hand me downs and not always the newest things.  What I can tell you is that I’ve prepped your big brother for all his upcoming duties.  Not only…

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Mom Life

A dollar makes you holla

Target is probably every mom’s weakness.  You go in for a gallon of milk and come out with a cart of items you didn’t know you needed. My weekend trip isn’t so different as the previous mentioned.  This time I racked up serious time in the Dollar section.   Have you noticed how amazing this section has gotten?  They have the perfect items to add a little decor to your home – especially for the decor challenge like myself.  With…

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Mom Life

‘…That’s what she said’

…not what you’re thinking! Get your mind out of the gutter. Ha!  This is a mommy blog, after all! Have you ever opened your mouth and your mother came out? Before becoming a mom, I swore when my eldest son was born that I would NOT ever be that humiliating mom who coughed a little too loudly (read dramatically) when someone was smoking near us (super embarrassing as a child) or give a pre-warning to be on your best behavior…

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